Internet For Instruction

Social Networking

Social Networking has taken over the lives of teenagers today.  It seems like every minute is documented about their lives, from checking in at the local grocery story, to their weekly crush with MCMs and WCWs (I have a 16-year-old brother who keeps me up to day on these things).  Not a lot of thought as went into the educational aspects of these types of technologies, but I believe they do have many things to offer.   

Social Networking sites:

Facebook and Twitter - sites like are some of the most trafficked sites on a daily basis with everyone from tweens to Hollywood actors/actresses posting information.  This being said, using these sites allows news to travel at instantaneous rates!  Incidents like Sandy Hook and the Aurora Shooting spread in record time, at to people who are not accustomed to following the news.  These social networking sites have become a way for even young students to keep up with current events. 

Classroom Uses:

While these types of social networking sites may not be extensively used within the classroom, teacher could incorporate their use into the classroom.  For example, each day could begin with a discussion of news that was read while scanning your Facebook homepage the night before.  Or students could be assigned homework of searching Twitter for a current events topic to discuss the next day during social studies.  

Educational Social Networks:

Aside from the social networking sites mentioned above there are also many social networking websites designed specifically for classroom use.  These sites allow teachers to connect with students while outside of the classroom, and provide opportunities to teachers to collaborate with other educators about teaching techniques. 

Educational Social Networking sites:

Edmodo - is a social networking site that is safe and easy for classes to collaborate, share information, access homework, review grades and school notices, and connect in other ways while outside of school. 

G.A.M.E.(Gamers Advancing Meaningful Education) - this is an online synchronous community of gamers used  globally by educators . This social network provides resource options in developing curriculum, offers courses which can be taken online, webinars and other face-to-face presentations allow for deeper learning to takes place in a gaming format.

3D Game Lab - this is a gaming website which allows teachers to format their standard curriculum into a gaming environment.  Students can select different 'quests' designed by the teacher that allows them to complete assignments according to their specific learning style. 

My Big Campus - this is an engaging online environment that promotes learning within a safe, monitored platform.   Students and teachers are able to interact with each other as well as other classmates using online collaborative tools. 

 Relative Advantage:

Interactive format stimulates student motivation, allows student to work in self-structured and self-paced environment, helps students to develop independence, information is fast to access and free to use, materials are reusable, allows students to view content on a more personal level, helps keep students up to date with current events.